
Awhile back, (like a month ago, sorry!) I was tagged by Barb over @ Spotlis. So here we go….Eight Random Facts About Myself

1. I love the color green..


2. When I was growing up I wanted to be a child psychologist…

3. I actually like doing laundry, seeing it folded and ready to put away gives me a sense of accomplishment..

4. 2 people I miss the most in this world that live too far away from me, are my bff Mel and my sis Nikki..

5. I luv and am always proud to wear the little bracelets and necklaces my kids make:)

6. Song I am addicted to right now: Wait and See by Brandon Heath

7. Last year my ab fab friend Susan sent me a pair of Notre Dame crocks, and I’ve worn them nearly every day since..

8. I really like using the words: “lurve” and “ab fab”…

Alright, I broke the rules, I’m only tagging Ronnie!

~ by doulangel on November 11, 2008.

3 Responses to “tag!!”

  1. well this was an ab fab post…
    I love saying it too and
    you’re one of my ab fab fav people

    lotsa lurve ann xxxxx

  2. Weird stuff…at one point I wanted to be a child psychologist, too.

    FYI – the word “lurve” makes me cringe. LOL!

  3. i have done my part…. : )(don’t pass out!)

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